Fetch stats for businesses.

Endpoint: POST /businesses/stats


Returns aggregated statistics about businesses, such as distribution by industry, revenue, and employee count.

Example Request (cURL):

curl -X POST \
  "https://api.explorium.ai/v1/businesses/stats" \
  -H "API_KEY: your_api_key_here" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "filters": {
      "region_country": {
        "type": "includes",
        "values": ["us-ca", "us-ga", "us-ut"]
      "company_size": {
        "type": "includes",
        "values": ["1-10", "11-50", "51-200"]

Example Response:

  "total_results": 29229,
  "stats": {
    "business_categories_per_location": {
      "Software company": {
        "California, US": 22093,
        "Georgia, US": 4898,
        "Utah, US": 2031,
        "total": 29022
      "Computer software store": {
        "California, US": 160,
        "Georgia, US": 33,
        "Utah, US": 12,
        "total": 205
      "total_per_location": {
        "California, US": 22255,
        "Georgia, US": 4931,
        "Utah, US": 2043,
        "total": 29229
    "revenue_per_category": {
    "number_of_employees_per_category": {

Schema Explanation:

filtersObjectDefines the filtering criteria for the statistics request.
total_resultsNumberTotal number of businesses included in the statistics.
statsObjectContains breakdowns by category, revenue, employees, and locations.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!