Platform usage (Consumption)
Understand how computes consumption.
To help track and manage usage on our platform, we measure consumption in credits.
A credit is defined as one of the following:
- An enriched row
- A generated row
- A predicted row
Consumption can occur through downloads, API calls, or batch jobs.
Platform Consumption Breakdown
Enrich Module: When you upload tabular data to the platform and enrich it with external data, each enriched row will consume one credit upon export.
Generate Module: Data generated based on your search criteria will consume one credit per generated row upon export.
Predict Module: Uploading tabular data for predictions (Using the predict step) will consume one credit for each predicted row upon export.
Consumption operation
Consumption occurs through three primary methods:
Consumption is counted only after the following operations. Recipe operations on their own doesn't trigger consumption.
Downloads: When you download enriched, generated, or predicted data from the platform, the consumption will be counted in credits accordingly.
API Calls: Consumption will also be counted in credits when you make API calls to enrich, generate, or predict data.
Batch Jobs: If you're running scheduled or ad-hoc batch jobs for enrichment, generation, or prediction, the consumption will be counted in credits based on the number of rows processed.
Updated almost 2 years ago