Fetch Businesses

Endpoint: POST /v1/businesses


The Fetch Businesses endpoint allows users to retrieve business records based on filters such as country, industry, company size, and revenue. It returns a structured dataset optimized for further filtering, deduplication, or previewing records before enrichment. This enables precise data-driven decision-making and lead generation. It is designed to help users efficiently find relevant businesses based on their specific criteria.

  • 80M+ businesses across 150+ countries.
  • Advanced filtering options for precise data extraction.
  • Optimized for efficiency, returning only the minimal data needed for further processing.

How It Works
  • Input: Define filter parameters such as country, industry, revenue range, and company size.
  • Processing: The system searches across multiple datasets to retrieve businesses that meet the criteria.
  • Output: A structured response containing business records for further analysis or enrichment.
Request Schema
  "filters": {
    "country_code": {
      "type": "includes",
      "values": ["us", "ca"]
    "company_size": {
      "type": "includes",
      "values": ["11-50", "51-200"]
Pagination Parameters
sizeNumberMaximum number of results to return (up to 10000)
page_sizeNumberMaximum number of records per page (up to 100)
pageNumberPage number to retrieve
Mode Parameter
fullReturns all available data for businesses
Business Filters
country_codeStringFilter accounts by their HQ’s country using alpha-2 country codes. Example: ["us", "ca"]
region_country_codeStringFilter accounts by their HQ’s region using ISO 3166-2 country-subdivision codes.
Example: ["us-ut", "us-ca"]
company_sizeStringFilter accounts by the number of employees at all company sites.
Categories: ["1-10", "11-50", "51-200", "201-500", "501-1000", "1001-5000", "5001-10000", "10001+"]
company_revenueStringFilter accounts by annual revenue generated at all company sites. Categories: ["0-500K", "500K-1M", "1M-5M", "5M-10M", "10M-25M", "25M-75M", "75M-200M", "200M-500M", "500M-1B", "1B-10B", "10B-100B”]
company_ageStringFilter accounts by how many years since they were established.
Categories: ["0-3", "3-6", "6-10", "10-20", "20+"]
google_categoryStringFilter accounts by their classified google business category.
Example: ["Paving contractor", "Retail"]
naics_categoryStringFilter accounts by their 2017 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. Filtering is possible at the 2 digit sector code, 4 digit group code, or full industry code.
Example: ["23", "5611"]
linkedin_categoryStringFilter accounts by their classified LinkedIn business category.
Example: ["software development", "investment banking"]
company_tech_stack_categoryStringFilter accounts by the technology categories they use.
Example: ["Marketing", "CRM", "Cloud Services"]
company_tech_stack_techStringFilter accounts by the technologies they use.
Example: ["JavaScript", "HTML5", "Apache"]

🎯 Targeting Mid-Sized B2B Software Companies in California for CRM Sales

🔍 Use Case:

A CRM software vendor wants to sell customer relationship management tools to mid-sized software companies in California. The filters ensure that companies already use CRM tools but may be looking for an upgrade.

📌 Filters:

  • Country: ["us"]
  • Region (State): ["us-ca"]
  • Company Size: ["201-500"]
  • Company Revenue: ["10M-25M"]
  • LinkedIn Category: ["software development"]
  • Company Tech Stack Category: ["CRM"]

🎯 Finding Large Public Healthcare Companies in Texas for IT Security Solutions

🔍 Use Case:

A cybersecurity provider wants to target large, publicly traded healthcare companies in Texas that use cloud services and have significant revenue, indicating budget availability for IT security improvements.

📌 Filters:

  • Country: ["us"]
  • Region (State): ["us-tx"]
  • Company Size: ["1001-5000", "5001-10000", "10001+"]
  • Company Revenue: ["200M-500M", "500M-1B", "1B-10B", "10B-100B"]
  • NAICS Category: ["62"] (Healthcare & Social Assistance)
  • Company Tech Stack Category: ["Cloud Services", "Cybersecurity"]
Example Request (cURL)
curl -X POST \
  "https://api.explorium.ai/v1/businesses" \
  -H "API_KEY: your_api_key_here" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "mode": "full",
    "size": 10000,    
    "page_size": 100,
    "page": 1,
    "exclude": ["00000230f8f8d86e167e189c7c3b4bd6"],
    "filters": {
      "country_code": {
        "type": "includes",
        "values": ["us"]
      "company_size": {
        "type": "includes",
        "values": ["11-50", "51-200"]
    "request_context": {}

📌 For detailed endpoint explanations, request examples, and integration tips, explore the documentation sections above.

Body Params - Try Me Example

mode: full
size: 10000
page_size: 100
page: 1
  country_code: us
  company_size: 11-50, 51-200

Note: For any unused filter, set `negate` (boolean) as empty instead of `false`, as it defaults to `false`.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!