SFDC Error cods

The below are common SFDC Error codes:

  1. Error: Cannot update records in Salesforce, because 'Contact ID' column (which is the record's unique-identifier) is missing from the uploaded data
    1. Reason : This happens when trying to update an object without the ID column apparent in the core data set.
    2. Solution: Make sure you have the required column ID in your dataset on the platform project.
  2. Error: Cannot update records in Salesforce, because 'Lead ID' column (which is the record's unique-identifier) is missing from the uploaded data.
    1. Reason:This happens when trying to update an object without the ID column apparent in the core data set.
    2. Solution: Make sure you have the required column ID in your dataset on the platform project.
  3. Error: INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST".Example failure message: "{'message': 'bad value for restricted picklist field: Prospecting', 'fields': ['LeadSource_Child__c']}
    1. Reason: This happens when you try to put a value in a field that can only contain pre defined values. In the example above we were trying to push the value prospecting inside the LeadSource Child field.
    2. Solution: Either remove this column mapping or make sure you place a value from the accepted list of the field. (You will need to contact the Customer to know the exact list value
  4. Error: tatus-code: ENTITY_IS_DELETED had 1 failures. e.g: {'success': False, 'created': False, 'id': None, 'errors': [{'statusCode': 'ENTITY_IS_DELETED', 'message': 'entity is deleted', 'fields': []}]}
    1. Reason: caused when you try to update an entity (e.g. Lead) that was deleted.
    2. Solution: Issue is likely on your (customer) local SF , please check your configuration and object data