Competitive landscape of public companies

Endpoint: POST /businesses/pc_competitive_landscape_10k/enrich


The Competitive Landscape Enrichment endpoint provides insights into a company's market positioning, competitive differentiation, and key competitors. This dataset is valuable for investors, market analysts, and business strategists aiming to understand industry competition and corporate advantages.

The data includes:

  • Competitive differentiation factors, highlighting a company’s unique strengths.
  • Key competitors, listing rival companies in the same industry.
  • Links to official SEC filings, such as 10-K reports, providing further competitive insights.

This information is sourced from publicly available financial reports, regulatory filings, and industry analysis to offer a comprehensive view of market positioning and competition.

How It Works
  • Input: Provide a business_id obtained from the Match Businesses API.
  • Processing: The system retrieves competitor analysis, differentiation factors, and relevant regulatory filings.
  • Output: A structured response summarizing market positioning and competitive landscape.
Example Request (cURL)
curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'api_key: your_api_key_here' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '{
  "business_id": "8adce3ca1cef0c986b22310e369a0793"
Best Practices
  • Use competitor analysis to benchmark against industry leaders and identify market gaps.
  • Leverage differentiation insights to refine branding, positioning, and value propositions.
  • Utilize regulatory filings for deeper due diligence on corporate strategies and competition.
  • Cross-reference competitive insights with financial metrics and firmographic data for a complete market view.
Competitive Landscape Output Signal
Field NameDescriptionData Type
cikCentral Index Key (CIK) identifier for the companyOptional[str]
link_to_filing_detailsURL linking to the detailed SEC filing reportOptional[DataTypes.Url]
form_descriptionBrief description of the SEC form and its purposeOptional[str]
competitive_differentiationList of factors that differentiate the company from competitorsOptional[List[str]]
filed_atDate and time when the filing was submittedOptional[datetime]
company_nameOfficial name of the company filing the reportOptional[DataTypes.OrganizationName]
link_to_htmlURL linking to the full SEC filing documentOptional[DataTypes.Url]
key_competitorsList of key competitors identified in the reportOptional[List[str]]
accession_numberUnique SEC accession number for the filingOptional[str]
form_typeSEC form type associated with the filingOptional[str]
tickerStock ticker symbol of the company (if publicly traded)Optional[DataTypes.TickerSymbol]

📌 For additional enrichment options, explore related API endpoints below.

Body Params - Try Me Example

business_id: 8adce3ca1cef0c986b22310e369a0793
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!