
Endpoint: POST /businesses/technographics/enrich


The Technographics Enrichment endpoint provides insights into the internal technologies used by companies. This data is valuable for lead scoring, competitive analysis, and sales prospecting by identifying the software, platforms, and tools adopted by businesses.

Technographic data is sourced from multiple data vendors and public records, combined with Explorium's proprietary data inference models for maximum accuracy. The dataset is updated quarterly to ensure fresh and relevant insights.

How It Works
  • Input: Provide a business_id obtained from the Match Businesses API.
  • Processing: The system retrieves relevant technology stacks, including software, cloud providers, and infrastructure details.
  • Output: A structured response with categorized insights into a company's technology usage.
Example Request (cURL)
curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'api_key: your_api_key_here' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '{
  "business_id": "8adce3ca1cef0c986b22310e369a0793"
Best Practices
  • Ensure you retrieve the business_id using the Match Businesses API before making technographic enrichment requests.
  • Leverage technographic insights to personalize outreach and improve targeting for tech-related products.
  • Combine firmographic and technographic data for deeper analysis and refined audience segmentation.
  • Use regular updates to keep up with rapidly changing technology adoption trends.
Technographics Output Signal
Field NameDescriptionData Type
full_tech_stackComplete list of technologies used by the companyOptional[List[str]]
full_nested_tech_stackDetailed nested structure of the tech stackOptional[List[Dict[str, Any]]]
testing_and_qaTechnologies related to testing and quality assuranceOptional[List[str]]
salesSales-related software and technologiesOptional[List[str]]
prog_langs_and_frameworksProgramming languages and development frameworks usedOptional[List[str]]
productivity_and_operationsProductivity and operational toolsOptional[List[str]]
product_and_designTechnologies used for product development and designOptional[List[str]]
platform_and_storageCloud platforms and storage solutionsOptional[List[str]]
operations_softwareSoftware used for business operationsOptional[List[str]]
operations_managementTools for managing business operationsOptional[List[str]]
marketingMarketing tools and technologiesOptional[List[str]]
it_securityIT security solutions and technologiesOptional[List[str]]
it_managementIT infrastructure and management toolsOptional[List[str]]
hrHuman Resources management softwareOptional[List[str]]
health_techHealth-related technology solutionsOptional[List[str]]
finance_and_accountingFinancial and accounting softwareOptional[List[str]]
ecommerceE-commerce platforms and solutionsOptional[List[str]]
devops_and_developmentDevOps and development toolsOptional[List[str]]
customer_managementCustomer Relationship Management (CRM) toolsOptional[List[str]]
computer_networksNetworking and connectivity-related technologiesOptional[List[str]]
communicationsCommunication and collaboration toolsOptional[List[str]]
collaborationTools for internal and external team collaborationOptional[List[str]]
bi_and_analyticsBusiness Intelligence and analytics toolsOptional[List[str]]

📌 For additional enrichment options, explore related API endpoints below.

Body Params - Try Me Example

business_id: 8adce3ca1cef0c986b22310e369a0793
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!