IPO Announcement


An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is the process in which a private company offers shares to the public for the first time. This event marks a significant milestone for companies as they transition from private to public ownership.

The IPO Announcement event provides insights into companies going public by tracking official IPO announcements. This data is valuable for investors, analysts, and financial institutions looking to monitor market movements and emerging public companies.

Important: The IPO Announcement event is available only for recent IPOs that occurred within the last quarter (timestamp_from should be set to the past 3 months). If no IPO was announced within this timeframe, no data will be returned.

Looking for historical IPO data? Use the Funding & Acquisitions Enrichment API to access past IPO announcements.

Use cases:

  • Investment Analysis: Track companies entering the public market for investment opportunities.
  • Market Trends: Identify industries experiencing high IPO activity.
  • Competitive Intelligence: Understand which competitors are transitioning to public companies.
  • Portfolio Management: Adjust investment strategies based on IPO trends.

Data Schema

Event Name: "ipo_announcement" (Use this value in the event_types parameter when querying this event.)

Signal NamenameType
Link to articlelinkURL
Date of IPOipo_dateDATETIME
News event IDevent_idTEXT
Company namecompany_nameTEXT
Company valuationoffer_amountNUMERIC
Number of issued sharesnumber_of_sharesNUMERIC
IPO stock exchangestock_exchangeTEXT
News event timestampevent_timeDATETIME
Price per shareprice_per_shareNUMERIC

Query Example

curl -X POST \
  "https://api.explorium.ai/v1/businesses/events" \
  -H "API_KEY: your_api_key_here" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
  "event_types": [
  "business_ids": [
  "timestamp_from": "2025-01-01T10:03:03.050Z"

Best Practices

  • Use timestamps to filter for recent IPOs and avoid retrieving outdated data.
  • Combine with company firmographics for deeper insights into newly public companies.
  • Monitor IPO valuation trends to predict market conditions.

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