Additional Resources

Error Handling

When using the API, errors may occur due to invalid requests, authorization issues, or internal server errors. The API returns structured error responses to help diagnose and resolve issues efficiently.

Standard Error Codes

All endpoints return standard HTTP status codes:

Error CodeDescription
400Bad request – invalid parameters or request format.
401Unauthorized – invalid API key or missing authentication.
403Forbidden – insufficient permissions or credits.
404Not Found – requested resource does not exist.
429Too Many Requests – rate limit exceeded.
500Internal Server Error – an unexpected error occurred.

Example Error Response

  "detail": [
      "loc": [
      "msg": "ensure this value is less than or equal to 100",
      "type": "value_error.number.not_le",
      "ctx": {
        "limit_value": 100

Credit Error Codes

When a user is out of credits, calling an endpoint that involves credit consumption (such as enrich, fetch, etc.) will yield the following error response:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Content-Type: application/json

  "details": "You have insufficient credits to perform this operation. Please purchase additional credits.",
  "correlation_id": "4826416550f648e58cc9e2ceee2529b7"

Rate Limiting

To ensure fair usage and system stability, the API enforces rate limits per API key. If a request exceeds the allowed threshold, the API returns a 429 Too Many Requests error.

Handling Rate Limits

  • Implement exponential backoff when retrying failed requests due to rate limits.
  • Monitor API usage to avoid hitting limits unexpectedly.
  • Contact support if higher limits are required for your use case.

Logging & Debugging

To facilitate debugging and ensure smooth integration, API responses include correlation IDs for tracking.

Best Practices for Debugging

  • Log API Requests & Responses – Store all request parameters and response payloads for troubleshooting.
  • Use Correlation IDs – Every API response contains a correlation_id, which can be provided to support for investigation.
  • Validate API Keys & Parameters – Ensure API keys are active and request parameters match the schema.
  • Monitor API Status – Subscribe to status updates to detect downtime or service disruptions.

Example Response with Correlation ID

  "response_context": {
    "correlation_id": "7103edeaf1ae44b497a6bb3ce457318b",
    "request_status": "success",
    "time_took_in_seconds": 3.537

Thank You!

For additional support or questions, reach out to our team through your dedicated Slack channel with Explorium.