Merger and Acquisitions


The Merger and Acquisitions (M&A) event captures when two companies merge or when one company acquires another. These transactions can indicate strategic business expansions, competitive shifts, and investment opportunities in various industries.

Use Cases:

  • Investment Strategy: Identify potential opportunities in M&A-heavy industries.
  • Competitive Intelligence: Monitor competitor expansion and market consolidations.
  • Market Trends Analysis: Understand industry shifts driven by acquisitions and mergers.
  • Lead Generation: Target companies undergoing transitions for financial, legal, or consulting services.

Data Schema

Event Name: "merger_acquisition" (Use this value in the event_types parameter when querying this event.)

Signal NamenameType
Merger or Acquisitionmerger_or_acquisitionString (Enum: "merger", "acquisition")
Companies Involvedcompanies_involvedArray of Strings
Acquisition Priceacquisition_price_amountString
Strategic Objectivestrategic_objectiveString
Acquisition price currencyacquisition_price_currencyString

Query Example

curl -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "API_KEY: your_api_key_here" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
  "event_types": [
  "business_ids": [
  "timestamp_from": "2025-01-01T10:03:03.050Z"

Best Practices

  • Combine with firmographic enrichment to assess the impact on industry trends.
  • Analyze acquisition price trends to gain financial insights into major deals.
  • Leverage strategic objective data to understand the intent behind mergers and acquisitions.

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