Office Closing


An Office Closing event tracks when a company shuts down a physical office or facility. This data provides insights into business downsizing, market exits, and shifts in operational strategy.

Important: The Office Closing event is available only for recent office closures that occurred within the last quarter (timestamp_from should be set to the past 3 months). If no office closure was recorded during this period, no data will be returned.

For long-term office location history, refer to the Firmographic Enrichment API.

Use cases

  • Market Contraction Analysis: Identify industries or regions where businesses are downsizing.
  • Competitive Intelligence: Track competitor office closures to understand their market shifts.
  • Economic Indicators: Assess the impact of office closures on local economies and employment.
  • Operational Strategy: Monitor company restructuring and realignment decisions.

Data Schema

Event Name "closing_office" (Use this value in the event_types parameter when querying this event.)

Signal NamenameType
Reason for office closingreason_for_closureTEXT
News report publishing dateevent_timeDATETIME
Location of closing officeoffice_locationTEXT
Date of office closingclosure_dateDATETIME
News event IDevent_idTEXT
Number of employees impactednumber_of_employees_affectedNUMERIC
Link to articlelinkURL

Query Example

curl -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "API_KEY: your_api_key_here" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
  "event_types": [
  "business_ids": [
  "timestamp_from": "2025-01-01T10:03:03.050Z"

Best Practices

  • Filter by location (office_location) to analyze closures in specific regions.
  • Track closure reasons (reason_for_closure) to understand business decisions.
  • Monitor employment impact (number_of_employees_affected) to assess workforce reductions.

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